Animation 1: Large-eddy simulation of marine stratocumulus decks over the northeast Atlantic. Simulated by System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) version 6.11.3. dx = dy = 15 m.
Animation 2: 2D simulation of cumulus shooting into stratocumulus decks during the ASTEX field campaign. Contours mark the cloud condensates. Simulated by System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) version 6.11.3. dx = 15 m. dz = 5 to 10 m.
Animation 3: The same case with animation 2 but show the total water content (water vapor + liquid cloud). The grey (or purple) shading marks the precipitation.
Animation 4: A longer version (90 hours) of the animation 2. This shows the whole process of a stratocumulus deck breaking up into scattered cumulus.